
The principal aim of the project “Combining and improving online bird portals data to display near-real-time spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution across Europe", known by the acronym LIFE Euro Bird Portal (LIFE15 PRE/ES/000002), is to develop the EuroBirdPortal (EBP) demo viewer into a full-fledged web portal displaying detailed and up-to-date European-wide spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution in near-real-time and in a reliable manner.

The project has a duration of three years (January 2016 to December 2018) and an overall cost of 510.557 €, of which 60% (306.334 €) are financed by the European Union.

The main specific objectives of project are:

1To create a new EBP data sharing standard, database repository and data-flow system capable of managing automatically and in near-real-time all data interchange processes between the local online portals and the central databank.

2Adapt and improve the current EBP demo viewer and the spatial bird distribution models in order to reliably display detailed and up-to-date European-wide spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution in near-real-time.

3Increase the geographical coverage of the EBP project to include most of the European Union (>90% of its territory).

4Improve the quality and relevance of the data collected.

Expected results

The main results expected at the end of the project are:

1The data flow of 12 online systems or, at least, the equivalent to more than 80% of all data collected by EBP partners are automatically connected to the new database repository using the new data sharing standard.

2The EBP viewer depicts the whole geographic area covered by the project, and includes 100 bird species and “average” maps.

3The EBP viewer content is updated at weekly intervals with data up-to-dated to the previous week and incorporates the new spatiotemporal models of bird distribution.

4The area covered by the EBP project includes at least 90% of the EU territory.

5Two reference documents, one on best practices and another on portals quality indicators and benchmarks are produced.

6Overall, the actions directed to improve data quality and relevance produce a significant increase in the percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists (>10%) and a reduction of 20% of the areas identified as "poorly surveyed".

7At least two trials combining EBP data with other sources of bird movement and connectivity information are conducted.


During the last ten years, the number and diversity of web portals dedicated to the collection of bird observations has increased rapidly and most of Europe is now covered by at least one of them. Some portals are based on very specific systems and cover a limited geographical area (e.g. a region or country) while others function across several countries using the same basic package. While there is substantial variation in the scope and volumes of data gathered by different portals, the advent of online data collection has produced a vast amount of data that would previously have been impossible to amass.

Online bird portals aim mainly to obtain year-round data from the relatively unstructured but intensive and widespread activities of birdwatchers. Thus, complementing well-structured monitoring programmes and atlases in periods of the year and situations where these invaluable surveys are not available or feasible. In fact, despite data gathered by online portals follow simple standardised protocols (e.g. complete lists), or in some cases even no protocol at all (casual observations), the vast amount of data contained in these portals and the sheer amplitude of their combined geographical and taxonomic coverage offer great potential for research on the temporal and spatial distribution of birds across large geographical areas. Such knowledge is urgently needed in order to increase understanding of bird distributions and movements and to address EU policy needs under the EU Birds Directive (e.g. providing early-warning systems, predicting wildfowl movements due to cold spells, improving the delimitation of species-specific hunting seasons, monitoring range changes for pests and invasive species, monitoring avian-borne diseases, etc.).

In order to make best use of the data gathered by online portals across Europe, however, a common database needed to be developed. Data sources were very scattered, and several portals provided limited access to raw data or were available only in the native languages of their host countries. Moreover, given the diversity of initiatives and the well established nature of some of them, any attempt to favour only one of the systems or to create a new common one would have been both undesirable and impractical.

This was the reason why the EuroBirdPortal (EBP) was created, a European Bird Census Council (EBCC) project conceived to develop a common data repository that would hold data from each of the existing online bird systems in Europe with the following major objectives:

1 To describe large scale spatiotemporal patterns of bird distributions (seasonal distributional changes, migratory patterns, phenology) and their changes over time.

2 To improve the value of online data gathering portals.

The EBP project was formally established in March 2015. However, it is the result of an intensive initiative started in September 2012 with the creation of a working group devoted to explore the possibilities of integrating and analysing data from a number of European on-line bird portals, following up with the organization of the first EBP meeting in Switzerland in June 2013 for this purpose. The partnership is formally based in two key agreements: the Collaborative agreement between on-line bird recording schemes operating in Europe and the Collaborative agreement between on-line bird recording schemes participating in the EuroBirdPortal (EBP) project. The first is a generic agreement promoted by the EBCC since 2013 to encourage data sharing and research at the European scale and to support the development of future European Breeding Bird Atlases. The second and more recent agreement is made within the framework of the more generic one, and sets out the specific terms and conditions of the EBP initiative and names the EBCC as the organization formally responsible of the project and owner of its intellectual property.

Currently, the EBP project is developed through a partnership that involves 69 institutions of 21 European countries (18 of them EU state members). These institutions mostly comprise biodiversity data centres and reference ornithological institutions in their respective countries, accumulating a long-time experience collecting high quality monitoring data from thousands of volunteer birdwatchers and turning this information into sound results.

Overall, the online data gathering portals run by the EBP partners collect c. 30 million bird records every year thanks to the collaboration of more than 100,000 volunteer observers. This is the largest and most dynamic citizen science biodiversity data flow currently existing in Europe which, during the last years, has been increasing at an annual rhythm of c.20% both in terms of participation and number of observations submitted.

The project currently manages a dataset of aggregated data by week and 10x10 km square (European Environment Agency reference grid ETRS89-LAEA) based on the 110 million raw bird records collected between 2010 and 2014 by the partner’s portals. This dataset includes species-specific information but also some data about observer effort; however, since a significant portion of the original data is still largely gathered as casual records (i.e. not including recording effort or information on the species not detected) observational effort cannot be estimated as efficiently as would be desired. In fact, some online portals still do not allow the submission of complete lists and in some countries the use of more structured protocols are not sufficiently promoted among birdwatchers. Moreover, though the local portals collect data of nearly all bird species present in Europe, the EBP dataset currently only contains species-specific information for a set of 55 species.

Each partner submits its data to the EBP project using a quite simple standard data format. And each partner has its own check protocols to deal with potentially erroneous observations, though additional data quality checks are conducted at the EBP level. Currently, the whole data flow is managed on a manual or semiautomatic basis and the partner’s datasets are not directly connected with the central EBP data repository. These technical limitations prevent a real-time or nearly real-time approach to data analysis and visualization. On the other hand, taking into account the large, continental, scale of the initiative, the level of data aggregation (by week and 10x10 km square) gives a relatively high resolution in time and space. However, this level of aggregation is too coarse to produce sound models of spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution. To further advance towards a more disaggregated data standard, however, it is important to move step by step and building up the required confidence among the partners (who only very recently have started to share data and work co-jointly).

In terms of geographical coverage, currently the portals involved in the EBP project already collect bird observations from an area that represents 34% of Europe and 78% of the EU. However, many countries, particularly in E and SE Europe, are still not taking part in the project either because they do not have online bird portals in place, due to limited working or technological capacities, or just because they collect very few data. On the other hand, in the area already covered by the EBP project bird records are overall extremely high in number; however, there are still large geographical and temporal differences. Some countries or entire big regions are still poorly surveyed or have very few observers (e.g. large parts of the Iberian Peninsula, Poland and northern Scandinavia), while others received little attention for large periods of the year.

Mean weekly number of observations by 30x30 km square submitted to the EBP partner's on-line bird portals in 2013

To show the scope and potential of the EBP project and its future developments, the project launched its demo viewer in June 2015 in the framework of the Green Week. The EBP demo viewer shows animated maps depicting the week by week distributional patterns of a selected group of species in four years (2010-2013) at a resolution of 30x30 km. Four species maps (occurrence, traces, counts and phenology) reflect, in different ways, the raw information contained in the aggregated data, while a fifth one uses various analytical procedures to account for differences in observational effort and species reporting rates. Temperature and precipitation maps (E-OBS v.10.0) are also shown for comparative purposes (only in the map to the right). Two animated maps of any species or climatic variable, year and type can be selected to be shown simultaneously for direct comparison. Currently, the viewer depicts information for 40 of the 55 target species, but a new species will be added every week until the end of 2015 and the whole maps will be updated with 2014 data in the next few months.

A1    Improve existing EBP viewer and adapt it to the new geographical coverage Implementation

  • Description In 2016, the list of species will be increased from the 50 currently available to 100, and a new type of map will be added. These new animated maps will show average spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution for all available years (e.g. 2010-2015). Moreover, during the second part of 2016, the viewer maps and legends will be redesigned to show the whole area expected to be covered by the project at the end of 2018 (see action A7). Maps will be updated twice: in 2016 (data from 2010-2015) and 2017 (data from 2010-2016). Deadline: 31/12/16 (30/09/17 for 2017 update). The increase in species and geographical coverage will require doubling the capacity of the current cloud mapping and database repository that handles the processed data used to visualise the animated viewer maps. Furthermore, the work currently undertaken to manage the data and prepare the maps will have to be increased by c.25%. New species will be selected according to the amount of data available, their relevance regarding management issues, their conservation status and the dynamics of their distributional patterns.

  • Why it is necessary? To adjust the existing EBP demo viewer to the larger geographical coverage and to improve its content. Improving the viewer, particularly while the other major changes do not take place (e.g. much higher updating frequency and up-to-date data), is very important, since this will keep and further foster the interest with the project and, thus, help incorporate new partners and promote overall data collection and participation by giving more added value to own local portals. Adding more species will also provide additional, more comprehensive information for conservationists and policy makers.

  • Constraints and assumptions To facilitate the development of this action, data from EBP partners will continue to be received on a yearly basis and in the current format (by week and UTM 10x10km).


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A1.1 Select the list of 50 species to be added to the viewer. 01/01/16 31/12/16
A1.2 Redesign viewer maps and legends to show the whole area expected to be covered by the project at the end of 2018 (see action A7). 01/01/16 31/12/16
A1.3 Create a new type of animated map with average spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution for all available years (e.g. 2010-2015). 01/01/16 31/12/16
A1.4 Update viewer content with data from 2010-2015 for the 100 species and with average maps. 01/01/16 31/12/16
A1.5 Update viewer content with data from 2010-2016 for the 100 species and with average maps. 01/04/17 30/09/17

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
100 species available in the EBP viewer. 31/12/16
"Average maps" available in the EBP viewer. 31/12/16
Viewer maps updated with data of the period 2010-2015. 31/12/16
Viewer maps and legends redesigned to show the new geographical coverage. 31/12/16
Viewer maps updated with data of the period 2010-2016. 30/09/17

Expected results
1 100% of the data submitted in 2016 will already include the 100 selected species.
2 EBP viewer will include 100 species and "average" maps.
3 Viewer maps will incorporate the extended geographic coverage.
Progress indicators
1 State of the EBP viewer (taxonomic coverage, geographic area shown in the maps, inclusion of average maps).
2 Number of persons visiting the local online portals and the EBP viewer.

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
David Martí ICO
Gabriel Gargallo ICO
Martí Franch ICO


Date New
2016-06-27 The list of 50 additional species has already been selected Read more
2017-06-30 The maps of the new EBP viewer have been redesigned to properly show the whole area covered by the project Read more
2017-02-01 40 million new records every year! Read more
2017-05-12 CRO maps available again Read more
2017-12-18 The new version of the EBP viewer is already online! Read more
2017-12-21 User's quick guide to the new EBP viewer Read more
2018-09-03 Three news species available in the EBP viewer Read more

A2    Adapt the EBP demo viewer to the new technical requirements Implementation

  • Description The content of the EBP viewer will be updated using the data stored in the new database repository (and already submitted with the new standard; see actions A3-A6). This will involve the development and implementation of new scripts and data management and analysis tasks that will automatically create the tables required for the visualization module at the desired time interval. The overall appearance of the viewer, type, zoom level, and temporal and spatial map resolution (week and 30x30 km squares) will be kept unchanged. The content, however, will be updated at weekly intervals and will show data up to the previous week. The current modelling approach will also need to be refined and adapted to the new data standard and updating periodicity and to ensure that information is given in a reliable way. This will require a workshop with modelling experts in order to better plan and coordinate the subsequent work to produce the new model maps and automated scripts. To further ensure that the information shown in the viewer is given in a reliable manner, specific instructions will be produced to help adequately interpreted the different maps and graphs. This task will be developed by ICO together with CTFC, BTO, SOI and SOVON. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is essential to adapt the current EBP viewer to a much higher updating frequency and the new data sharing standard and database repository. All maps and graphs based on raw data will be directly updated once this adaptation has been implemented, however, model maps will require additional work since the demands will also be new (new data standard and updating frequency) and these are crucial to display information in a reliable way.

  • Constraints and assumptions To update the viewer content at weekly intervals and to show data up to the previous week is the best compromise in terms of offering a much more “real-time” solution without jeopardizing the quality of the information that is displayed. Grouping data by week counteracts the large day-by-day differences in observer effort (particularly on weekends) and the week delay facilitates the data checking protocols. On the other hand, given the European-wide scale of the maps, to display the data at a 30x30 km resolution (i.e. at a lower resolution than available in the database) will make animations to upload and move much faster without hampering the apparent visual resolution of the spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution. The EBP viewer and, therefore, also all its content (e.g. maps/models and graphs), will be fully accessible to the public and to any interested institution or organization.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A2.1 Adapt demo viewer so that the content is updated at weekly intervals (and with observations collected up to the previous week) using the data stored in the new database repository (and already submitted with the new standard; see actions A3-A6). 01/01/17 30/06/18
A2.2 Refine and adapt the current modelling approach to the new data standard and updating periodicity and to ensure that information is given in a reliable way. 01/01/17 30/06/18
A2.3 Organize a workshop with modelling experts to better plan and coordinate the work to produce the new model maps. 01/01/17 30/06/18
A2.4 Produce specific instructions to help adequately interpreted the different maps and graphs (to further ensure that the information shown in the viewer is given in a reliable manner). 01/01/17 30/06/18

Deliverables Deadline
Instructions for EBP data interpretation (document). 30/06/18
Milestones Deadline
New modelling approach established. 31/12/17
EBP viewer fully updated (with weekly updates up to previous week and with new models). 30/06/18
Instructions for EBP data interpretation are finished. 30/06/18

Expected results
1 New modelling approach established.
2 EBP viewer fully updated (with weekly updates up to previous week and showing new models).
3 Instructions for EBP data interpretation available in the viewer (also as PDF document).
Progress indicators
1 State of the EBP viewer (updating frequency, degree of up-to-date of the data shown, inclusion of new model maps and instructions for data interpretation).

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
Lluís Brotons CTFC
David Martí ICO
Gabriel Gargallo ICO
Pietro Milanesi SOI
Stephen Baillie BTO
Henk Sierdsema SOVON
Ruud Foppen SOVON


Date New
2017-11-08 A workshop with modelling experts took place in Barcelona in October Read more
2018-06-01 An article in Bird Census News features the new vesion of the EBP viewer Read more
2019-02-28 The LIVE EBP viewer to be launched on April 9th at Bird Numbers 2019 Read more
2019-04-09 The LIVE EBP viewer has been launched today Read more

A3    Defining the new data sharing standard Implementation

  • Description This action will define the information to be submitted to the new central database repository (and its level of aggregation and temporal and geographic precision) and how this information will be codified. The objective of this action is to establish a new data standard that, while keeping some considerable level of spatiotemporal aggregation (now data are aggregated by week and 10x10 km square), notably improves the opportunities for data analysis and modelling. The main guidelines for developing the new standard will be agreed at a specific workshop with all EBP partners (travel and subsistence costs not included since the workshop will be included in the annual EBP meeting). Then, a group formed by experts from all beneficiary institutions will be tasked with the formal definition and codification of the standard. Given the importance of the issue, this will involve some preliminary analyses to check the possibilities offered by the different data standard options. Deadline: 30/06/16.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is crucial since the data standard has to be defined before designing the database repository and data flow system. Moreover, the new standard is also important because it will determine the quality of the spatiotemporal models of bird distribution.

  • Constraints and assumptions The implementation of a new data standard will require a new consensus among the EBP partners, allowing the project team to further develop confidence amongst the partners and to adapt the current data sharing policies to the new scenario.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A3.1 Define new data standard (the information to be submitted to the new central database repository and its level of aggregation and temporal and geographic precision) and how this will be codified. 01/01/16 30/06/16
A3.2 Organize a workshop with all EBP partners to agree on main guidelines for developing the new standard. 01/01/16 30/06/16

Deliverables Deadline
New EBP data standard and codification (document). 30/06/16
Milestones Deadline
The new EBP data standard and codification has been uploaded to the EBP website. 30/06/16

Expected results
1 New EBP data standard and codification uploaded to the EBP website (PDF document).
Progress indicators
1 State of completion of the document detailing the new EBP data standard and codification.

Beneficiary responsible SOVON

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC
Gabriel Gargallo ICO
Guido Häfliger SOI
Hans Schmid SOI
Sylvain Antoniazza SOI
Stephen Baillie BTO
Andy Musgrove BTO
Justin Walker BTO
Jean-Yves Paquet NATAGORA
Dirk Zoetebier SOVON
Ruud Foppen SOVON


Date New
2016-04-01 The new EBP data sharing standard will be one of the key points to be discussed in the next EBP meeting Read more
2016-11-01 The new EBP data sharing standard has been finished Read more

A4    Define data flow standard and database repository infrastructure Implementation

  • Description This action will be undertaken by a group of IT experts from ICO, SOI, BTO and SOVON and external expert assistance. Once the new data standard has been defined (see action A4), the task will consist of determining the best technological solution for the central repository and designing the actual infrastructure, in particular, taking into account long-term costs of maintenance and the available budget/person-days for the actual implementation of the database repository (see actions A5 and A6). The action involves also the design of the protocol that will be used to encode and implement the automatic data flow from the local portals to the central database repository. Particular attention will be paid to how to deal with deleted data or changes that occur in data already submitted to the central database repository. Deadline: 31/12/16.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is required in order to design a solid, long-lasting and cost-effective database repository and data flow system. The action will, moreover, benefit from the expertise of the engineers that have developed, among others, the two most widespread online bird portal systems in the EBP partnership (BirdTrack and Ornitho).

  • Constraints and assumptions The design of the data flow will have to take into account the fact that not all online portals existing in Europe are equally technically advanced. Therefore, the solutions must take this diversity into account and must allow for the fact that currently, some of the portals may not be able to update or process the data as efficiently or quickly as the most advanced ones. Since the general public will only interact with the EBP viewer, not directly with the EBP database repository, the viewer module will handle most of the actual work in terms of on-line server demands. Nevertheless, the central database will need to be frequently updated from the individual on-line portals and will also support regular updates of the viewer module.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A4.1 Determine and design the best technological solution for the central repository taking into account long-term costs and the available budget for actual implementation. 01/07/16 31/12/16
A4.2 Design the protocol that will be used to encode and implement the automatic data flow from the local portals to the central database repository. 01/07/16 31/12/16

Deliverables Deadline
Design of the new database repository and data flow (document). 31/12/16
Milestones Deadline
Design of the new database repository and data flow has benn finished. 31/12/16

Expected results
1 Design of the new database repository and data flow (written specification and documentation; PDF document).
Progress indicators
1 State of the document with the specification about the new database repository and data flow.

Beneficiary responsible BTO

Personnel involved Organization
David Martí ICO
Samuel Wechsler SOI
Bernard Volet SOI
Karen Wright BTO
Andrew Joys BTO
Dirk Zoetebier SOVON


Date New
2017-05-17 The database repository infrastructure design is being tested Read more

A5    Creation of the central database repository Implementation

  • Description This action will consist in the implementation of the central database repository using the technology and design determined in action A4. The work will be developed during the first three trimesters of 2017. Deadline: 30/09/17.

  • Why it is necessary? This action will create the new central EBP database repository, a key technical requirement of the project that will enable the robust and efficient management of the EBP data and the implementation of the automatic data flow.

  • Constraints and assumptions The actual implementation of the new database repository has been separated in two different actions (design and implementation) to optimize tasks and costs and to make best use of the expertise available among the beneficiaries.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A5.1 Implement of the central database repository using the technology and design determined in action A4. 01/01/17 30/09/17

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
Implementation of the new database repository finished. 30/09/17

Expected results
1 Creation of the new database repository.
Progress indicators
1 State of implementation of the new database repository.

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
David Martí ICO
Gabriel Gargallo ICO


Current action has no news

A6    Implementation of the automated data flow Implementation

  • Description This action will implement the automatic data flow system in two phases, to optimize the whole process with the experience gained at the first stage. First, we will implement the automatic data flow mechanism in two of the more widespread online systems (BirdTrack and Ornitho), and in a second phase this protocol will be implemented in the rest of online systems. The first phase is particularly relevant, since these two systems are also two of the more technologically advanced and together collect c.60% of all the EBP data. Each phase involves two steps: 1) the initial import (i.e. all data for the period 2010-2016); and 2) the subsequent automatic data flow. The first phase will be developed by the BTO with the help of external assistance and some additional support by SOI and by the central database repository engineer (ICO). The second phase will be largely subcontracted to implement the system in other online portals. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is necessary in order to automate the data flow between the local online portals and the central database repository. This key improvement should pave the way towards the update of the EBP viewer in a near “real-time” basis (weekly frequency in this case).

  • Constraints and assumptions Given that not all online portals are equally technically advanced and that some of them may have joined the EBP initiative very recently (e.g. new countries; see action A7), we assume that in some cases, or for some limited periods of time, the data flow could not be automated (or not completely so). The objective, however, is that a great majority of the data flow takes place automatically using the systems implemented in this action.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A6.1 Implement the automatic data flow mechanism in BirdTrack and Ornitho (two steps needed: 1: the initial import (i.e. all data for the period 2010-2016), and 2: the subsequent automatic data flow). 01/07/17 30/06/18
A6.2 Implement the automatic data flow mechanism for around a further 10 online systems (or at least, the equivalent of more than 80% of all data collected by the EBP partnership). 01/07/17 30/06/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
Birdtrack and Ornitho data flow automatically connected to new data repository. 31/12/17
About other 10 online systems data flows automatically connected to new data repository (or at least the equivalent of more than 80% of all data collected by members of the EBP partnership —including Birdtrack and Ornitho—). 30/06/18

Expected results
1 Birdtrack and Ornitho data flow automatically connected to new data repository.
2 For around a further 10 online systems data flows automatically connected to new data repository (or at least, the equivalent of more than 80% of all data collected by members of the EBP partnership --including Birdtrack and Ornitho--).
Progress indicators
1 Number and percentage of observations automatically submitted to the central database. 2. Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting data automatically to the central database.
2 Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting data automatically to the central database.

Beneficiary responsible BTO

Personnel involved Organization
David Martí ICO
Bernard Volet SOI
Karen Wright BTO
Andrew Joys BTO
Dave Turvey BTO


Date New
2018-05-27 The EBP data flow is starting to work on near real-time Read more
2018-06-04 The second phase of implementation of the automatic data flow has started Read more
2018-08-27 12 countries already submitting data automatically to the central EBP data repository Read more
2018-10-10 The automated data flow implementation to reach 75% of the whole EBP data soon Read more
2019-04-05 The automated data flow implementation is finished Read more

A7    Increasing geographical coverage Implementation

  • Description This action involves different tasks aimed to increase the geographical coverage of the EBP project towards eastern and south-eastern Europe (EU countries). This action will involve coordination tasks (contacts and meetings with potential new partners) and technical and financial help to implement online systems in these new areas. The main target countries will be: Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia and Malta. Adding them all would mean that 27 of the 28 EU state members would submit data to the project (94% of the EU territory). The action will be undertaken by BTO and SOI, with part of the work subcontracted. Deadline: 31/12/17.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is necessary in order to increase the geographical coverage of the project and, thus, allow a better understanding the European-wide spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution (particularly, by adding countries situated on the eastern migratory flyways, now very poorly covered by the project).

  • Constraints and assumptions Countries with existing online systems or already willing to implement existing ones will be prioritized. Adding also some non-EU countries (e.g. Russia, Georgia, Israel, Turkey and Iceland) would be very welcome but will not be the target of the present proposal.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A7.1 Increase the geographical coverage towards E and SE Europe (EU countries). Main targets: Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia and Malta. 01/01/16 31/12/17

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
The EBP project extended to cover at least 90% of the EU territory. 31/12/17

Expected results
1 Extend the area covered by the EBP to at least 90% of EU territory.
Progress indicators
1 List of countries and institutions participating in the project.
2 Number of partners taking part in the EBP project (i.e. formally joining the EBP and submitting data to the project).
3 Number of countries (and percentage) of Europe and the EU participating in the project.
4 Area and percentage of Europe and the EU covered by the project.
5 Number and percentage of records in the central database collected in regions/countries added to the EBP project after the start of the LIFE project.

Beneficiary responsible BTO

Personnel involved Organization
Hans Schmid SOI
Andy Musgrove BTO
Nick Moran BTO
Mark Hammond BTO


Date New
2017-04-25 The EBP increases its geographic coverage Read more
2018-08-28 Data from Croatia has been added to the EBP viewer Read more

A8    Capacity building Implementation

  • Description This action is linked to the previous one (action A7) and aims at improving the capacities of the personnel responsible for the new online data gathering portals joining the EBP project in E and SE Europe (EU countries), and to promote the overall use of online bird portals. The action will include case by case advice/support. First, as soon as a new partner joins the EBP initiative, its specific needs will be determined. Then the support will be given accordingly. The action will be developed by ICO. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? Capacity building is essential to ensure that the personnel responsible for operating new online bird portals in E and SE Europe make the best use of these systems in terms of overall promotion, engaging observers and obtaining good quality data all year-round (not only, for example, during the breeding season).

  • Constraints and assumptions In E and SE Europe, in general, the density of observers is very low and still very few people are used to take part in bird monitoring and citizen science projects. By promoting online portals and increasing capacities of the local online portal organizers participation is expected to increase significantly at the mid and long term.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A8.1 Improve capacities of the personnel responsible for new online data gathering portals joining the EBP project in E and SE Europe (EU countries), and promote overall use of these portals. 01/01/16 30/06/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
Support (capacity building) given to at least 8 E and SE EU countries (new EBP partners). 30/06/18

Expected results
1 Support given to at least 8 E and SE EU countries.
Progress indicators
1 Number and percentage of records in the central database collected in regions/countries added to the EBP project after the start of the LIFE project.

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
Martí Franch ICO


Current action has no news

A9    Promoting best practices and implementing overall benchmarks and quality indicators Implementation

  • Description This action aims at improving the quality of the data collected by encouraging best practices across the partnership and promoting the continuous improvement of the individual online portals themselves. Key issues in best practice guidance will be the promotion of complete lists (more structured data collection) and increasing the quality of the own complete lists (e.g. promoting shorter time duration lists, the recording of the distance travelled, or doing actual counts instead of just recording presence/absence). Moreover, data quality should also be improved by standardizing and improving feedback on the quality of submissions, implementing standardized data validation protocols and promoting technical standards and best practice. Finally, to improve the systems themselves, we will define the current state of the different online portals, set benchmarks, and use indicators to monitor future progress. A workshop with all EBP partners focussing on these subjects will take place in early 2017 (travel and subsistence costs not included since the workshop will be included in the annual EBP meeting). Subsequently, NATAGORA and SOI, with some external assistance, will be tasked to produce a best practices guide to improve online portals data quality and validation and a set of quality indicators and benchmarks to monitor and further promote online portals overall quality. Deadline: 31/12/17.

  • Why it is necessary? Online bird portals currently obtain most of data from the casual but intensive and widespread activities of birdwatchers. Therefore, there is still ample room to promote the collection of more structured data (e.g. complete lists) and for honing observer efforts towards routines that allow better and sound data analyses. Increasing data quality and best practices is, therefore, a key objective of the project.

  • Constraints and assumptions Standardization and the establishment of improved practices should, ideally, decrease the level of heterogeneity among the different online portals and, thus, further improve data quality. Therefore, indicators will also aim to monitor the level of such converge within the partnership, while recognizing that portal specific aims and the nature of user communities may differ between partners. Setting common future benchmarks is expected to promote the involvement of all partners and the actual use of the best practices guidelines.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A9.1 Organize a workshop with all EBP partners to agree on main guidelines to produce best practice guide and design quality indicators and benchmarks (to improve data quality). 01/01/17 31/12/17
A9.2 Produce a best practices guide to improve online portals data quality and validation. 01/01/17 31/12/17
A9.3 Design a set of quality indicators and benchmarks to monitor and further promote online portals overall quality. 01/01/17 31/12/17

Deliverables Deadline
Best practice guide to improve online portals data quality and validation (document). 31/12/17
Online portals quality indicators and benchmarks (document). 31/12/17
Milestones Deadline
Best practice guide to improve online portals data quality and validation finished (PDF document). 31/12/17
Online portals quality indicators and benchmarks document finished (PDF document). 31/12/17

Expected results
1 A Best practice guide aimed to improve online portals data quality and validation (1 PDF document).
2 Online portals quality indicators and benchmarks (1 PDF document).
3 Increase by 10% in the percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists.
Progress indicators
1 State of the documents on best practices and about quality indicators and benchmarks. 2. Number and percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists. 3. Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting
2 Number and percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists.
3 Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting complete lists.

Beneficiary responsible NATAGORA

Personnel involved Organization
Hans Schmid SOI
Sylvain Antoniazza SOI
Jean-Yves Paquet NATAGORA
Antoine Derouaux NATAGORA


Date New
2017-03-06 The workshop on Best Practices took place in Namur, Belgium Read more

A10   Promoting better coverage and participation in areas already covered by the project Implementation

  • Description This action aims at increasing the relevance of the data collected by extending the coverage and participation within the countries already participating in the EBP project. The main objective is to promote data submission from areas still quite poorly covered (e.g. Poland, large parts of the Iberian Peninsula, northern Scandinavia), but also to increase overall participation. During the first weeks of 2017, an objective and quantitative method to determine "poorly surveyed" areas will be developed. Then, once these areas are identified, local or system-wide campaigns will be put in place in order to promote participation and data collection in these regions. These campaigns will mostly be divided in two main actions: 1) To inform the overall community of observers of the areas that have been identified as "poorly surveyed" and, thus, need special attention; and 2) To encourage data submission and participation in these areas by highlighting the importance, both at the local as well as continental scale, of having a more complete coverage (e.g. using own portal data or EBP-wide examples), and by setting-up specific contests or challenges that reward data submission efforts in these specific areas. The communication impact of these campaigns will be ensured by making use of the regular dissemination channels used by the different portals and the own institutions. The task will be leaded by CTFC with additional support from ICO, SOI, BTO and external assistance. Deadline: 31/12/17.

  • Why it is necessary? Despite the EBP project already covers most of western and central Europe, there are still quite large areas with very few observers or where data submission can still be largely improved (globally or at some specific periods of the year). To produce sound spatiotemporal models of bird distribution to obtain enough data from these regions and through the whole year is highly needed.

  • Constraints and assumptions The action will be directed only to countries/areas with clear deficiencies in coverage and participation (i.e. identified as "poorly surveyed" according to the developed methodology).


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A10.1 Develop an objective and quantitative method to determine "poorly surveyed" areas." 01/01/17 31/12/17
A10.2 Organize local or system-wide campaigns to promote participation and data collection in "poorly surveyed" areas. 01/01/17 31/12/17

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
An objective and quantitative method to determine "poorly surveyed" areas is developed. 28/02/17
At least 8 campaigns to promote better coverage and participation in countries currently participating in the EBP project are put in place. 31/12/17

Expected results
1 At least 8 campaigns are put in place.
2 The area identified as "poorly surveyed" is reduced by 20% at the end of the project.
Progress indicators
1 Number and state of the campaigns undertaken.
2 Percentage of the area initially covered by the project that is defined as poorly surveyed.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC
Martí Franch ICO
Sylvain Antoniazza SOI
Michael Schaad SOI
Nick Moran BTO


Date New
2018-02-05 Campaign to promote participation and collection of complete lists in Latvia Read more
2018-06-06 Promotion of complete lists and participation in Spain: we keep growing! Read more
2018-07-16 Promotion of complete lists in Poland Read more
2019-04-01 BirdWatch Ireland promotes data collection Read more
2019-04-04 Promotion of complete lists and improving coverage in Portugal Read more

A11   Implementing technical improvements Implementation

  • Description This action is directed to improve data quality by undertaking technical improvements in the online systems and associated mobile apps. The action will focus mostly in adapting websites and mobile apps that still do not allow collecting complete lists or not properly so, and to improve the way this kind of data is presented in the different portals (in order to promote their use). SOI, with some help from ICO, will be the responsible for this action, which will require subcontracting most of the technical tasks. One of the tasks will consist in implementing a complete list module in the Ornitho mobile app (NaturaList). The Ornitho system is currently collecting 47% of the whole data submitted to the EBP project, therefore, to implement such a new module in its app is a high priority (nowadays, complete lists can only be submitted through the website). Another set of tasks will be directed to promote the use of complete lists by implementing phenological graphs and ranking systems in the front-pages of the different portals based exclusively on complete list data. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? In order to promote the submission of more structured data (e.g. complete lists) it is crucial that online systems allow the proper collection of such data (some systems still do not allow such data collection or not in their apps). Moreover, to promote complete list data collection, it is also very important that the benefit of collecting such data is highlighted in the portals front-page.

  • Constraints and assumptions A few online portals may still be reticent about the collection of complete lists (e.g. those few that so far have exclusively collected casual records). However, as more an more portals promote complete lists fewer are expected to focus only on casual records.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A11.1 Implement a complete list module in the Ornitho mobile app (NaturaList). 01/01/16 30/06/18
A11.2 Implement phenological graphs and ranking systems based exclusively on complete list data in the front-pages of at 5 online portals. 01/01/16 30/06/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
Complete list module implemented in the ornitho app (NaturaList). 31/12/16
At least 5 online systems improve their front-pages by showing some results based exclusively on complete list data. 30/06/18

Expected results
1 Complete list module implemented in the ornitho app (NaturaList).
2 At least 5 online systems improve their front-pages by showing some results based exclusively on complete list data.
3 Increase by 10% in the percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists.
4 Increase by 40% in the number of complete lists submitted to the central database.
Progress indicators
1 State of the technical improvements that have to be undertaken.
2 Number and percentage of online portals showing some results based exclusively on complete list data in the front-page.
3 Number and percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists.
4 Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting complete lists.

Beneficiary responsible SOI

Personnel involved Organization
David Martí ICO
Sylvain Antoniazza SOI
Samuel Wechsler SOI


Date New
2016-08-01 The complete list module is already implemented in the ornitho app (NaturaList) Read more
2018-05-10 Promotion of complete lists in Belgium Read more
2018-01-15 Dabas dati improves by allowing the reporting of complete lists through its mobile app Read more
2019-03-12 SmartBirds improves its website and app to promote the collecting of complete lists Read more

A12   Trials to incorporate other datasets Implementation

  • Description This action will aim to explore the future possibilities of adding other external sources of bird movement/connectivity data in the EBP framework. The objective of this action is to make some trials combining EBP data (e.g. from one species and year) with homologous data from EURING and radar bird migration surveyance initiatives. SOI, given their experience with radar studies, will be tasked with the trial combination of EBP and radar data, while the BTO will focus on combining EBP data with connectivity information from the EURING databank. Moreover, we will also contact MoveBank to explore possible ways to combine tracking information and EBP observational data. The results of the trials will be posted in the blog section of the EBP viewer. Deadline: 31/03/18.

  • Why it is necessary? There are several sources of information regarding bird movements (network of weather radar systems, ringing data, tracking data, etc), that can nicely complement the information obtained with observational data (particularly, regarding connectivity and migration routes). To begin to evaluate how these different datasets can be combined to get a better, more comprehensive, picture of bird movements can be very useful for the development of the project and has the potential to create powerful synergies among the existing initiatives.

  • Constraints and assumptions Preliminary contacts with EURING, MoveBank and some radar study initiatives have been very positive. Therefore, we expect to produce some interesting examples of data combination and a fruitful discussion with these key institutions. However, formal quantitative analysis of data from these different sources will be technically challenging, so results generated through this project will be largely restricted to visualisations involving different data types.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
A12.1 Conduct some trials combining EBP data with homologous data from EURING, MoveBank or radar bird migration surveyance initiatives. 01/10/17 31/03/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
At least two trials combining EBP data with other sources of bird movement and connectivity information are conducted. 31/03/18

Expected results
1 At least two trials conducted (with two different types of data sources).
Progress indicators
1 Number and state of trials undertaken.

Beneficiary responsible SOI

Personnel involved Organization
Hans Schmid SOI
Sylvain Antoniazza SOI
Stephen Baillie BTO
Mark Hammond BTO


Date New
2018-11-20 Examining spatiotemporal patterns of bird movements using EBP observations and ringing recoveries Read more
2019-02-14 How many birds are on the move? Towards quantitative species-specific migration models Read more

B1    LIFE website Communication and dissemintation

  • Description A specific LIFE website will be created to describe the project, its objectives, actions, progress and results. This website will be linked to the EBP viewer, updated regularly and maintained at least 5 years after the finalization of the project. The structure of the website will follow the structure of the project. This task will be undertaken by ICO and will take place all through the project duration.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is required in order to publicly displaying the project objectives, progress and results.

  • Constraints and assumptions None expected.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
B1.1 Create and update regularly the LIFE EBP website showing project description, objectives, actions, progress and results. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
LIFE website has been created. 31/01/16

Expected results
1 LIFE website created and updated at frequent intervals.
Progress indicators
1 State of the LIFE website.
2 Number of updates of the LIFE website.

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
Martí Franch ICO


Date New
2016-03-23 The LIFE EBP website is ready Read more

B2    Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects Communication and dissemintation

  • Description This task will be conducted by CTFC and SOVON and will include several face-to-face and video-conferencing meetings aimed to promote synergies between the different projects. Within the EBCC itself, promoting synergies between the EBP project and PECBMS (EU funded) and EBBA2 will clearly benefit all these initiatives. On the other hand, the project will explore potential synergies and collaboration with key initiatives that integrate biodiversity data, like GBIF and Map of Life. GBIF contacts will take place through its nodes in Netherlands (SOVON) and Spain (CTFC). The EUBON project, which focuses on the integration of biodiversity information and where the EBCC is also involved, will also be approached to exchange information and experiences. The SCALES project already ended, but project partners will be approached to learn from their modelling efforts. Two visits to BirdLife International (Cambridge) will be organized in order to promote collaboration and synergies with LIFE EuroSAP and the BirdLife data zone initiative. Finally, Citizen’s observatories (H2020 call) will be a clear target for networking once these are further developed. Moreover, EURING and MOVEBANK are clear targets for synergies, but these institutions will be contacted through action C12. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is necessary in order to promote synergies with other projects and initiatives with similar or related objectives and to learn from their own experience.

  • Constraints and assumptions Given the large number of initiatives with which networking would be beneficial, the task will focus on those where previous contacts already existed.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
B2.1 Develop synergies with other projects (e.g. GBIF, EUBON, LIFE EuroSAP and the BirdLife data zone initiative, Citizen’s observatories). 01/07/16 30/06/18

Deliverables None
Milestones None

Expected results
1 Contacts and exchange of information with at least 5 other initiatives.
2 At least one agreement of cooperation signed with one of these initiatives.
Progress indicators
1 State of the contacts with other initiatives with similar objectives.

Beneficiary responsible SOVON

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC
Ruud Foppen SOVON
Ruud Foppen SOVON


Date New
2019-03-13 The animated EBP maps available in the BirdLife Data Zone Read more
2019-04-10 EURING and EBP have signed an agreement of collaboration Read more

B3    Communication campaign Communication and dissemintation

  • Description This action will consist in the design and implementation of a media communication campaign. The objective would be to reach as much generic public as possible (to promote the LIFE initiative itself) as well as the ornithological community. The primary tool used will be social media (Twitter, Facebook and blogs) for connecting with ornithological community and press releases for the general public. These press releases will be prepared by the coordination but EBP partners themselves will be encouraged to diffuse it as they certainly have better connection with local media. An action plan will be designed in a time schedule coupled to the development of the viewer itself. At least one press coverage or ornithological media coverage in all EBP partner regions is expected (by the end of the project). The blog section of the EBP viewer will be maintained in a regular basis throughout the project (at least 1 post every 6 weeks) with story involving news about bird movement throughout the partnership (e.g. describing a new Waxwing invasion, comparing how it is detected in the partnership portals and emphasizing the added interest of the EBP viewer in seeing the bigger picture). NATAGORA, with the support from BTO and SOI, will be tasked for this action. Moreover, part of the task will be subcontracted to try to reach as a much a large audience as possible. The overall communication strategy of the project will be determined during the first trimester of 2016. A compilation of all press releases/articles about the project will delivered at the end of the project. Overall deadline of the action: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? Promoting the EBP viewer will help general public to apprehend the continental nature of bird movements and the necessity of continent-wide action to study and protect them. It should generate a feeling of connection with country’s avifauna. Helping general public to understand the importance of the work of voluntary observers contributing to EBP partnership portals is also crucial. Concerning ornithological communities: the users of EBP partner portals should be convinced of the added value of EBP regarding their own local portals.

  • Constraints and assumptions Collaborating with the partnership is vital, if only for the language question. EBP partners own portals and media access will be necessary to be activated if a pan-European communication campaign is to be produced.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
B3.1 Design and implement a media communication campaign (coupled to the development of the viewer itself). 01/01/16 31/12/18
B3.2 Update the blog section of the EBP viewer in a regular basis (at least 1 post every 6 weeks) with story involving news about bird movement throughout the partnership. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables Deadline
Compilation of all press releases/articles about the project (document). 31/12/18
Milestones Deadline
The overall communication strategy of the project is designed. 31/03/16

Expected results
1 An increase in the number of visits and visitors to the EBP viewer of 30% by the end of the project.
Progress indicators
1 Number of visits and persons using the local online portals and the EBP viewer.

Beneficiary responsible NATAGORA

Personnel involved Organization
Michael Schaad SOI
Paul Stancliffe BTO
Jean-Yves Paquet NATAGORA
Antoine Derouaux NATAGORA


Date New
2019-03-28 The EBP features in the latest issue of the Natura2000 newsletter Read more
2019-04-25 EBP features in Finish TV Read more
2019-05-11 Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2019 Read more

B4    Promotional video Communication and dissemintation

  • Description This action will consist in producing an attractive video about the project and its potential. The video will highlight the possibilities of the EBP viewer to understand bird movements and bird migration. The potential of the EBP viewer to create public awareness and to promote participation in bird data collection and citizen science projects will also be a central theme of the video. The video produced by this action will be used for the communication campaign and will be uploaded to the main public video channels (e.g. youtube) to promote the use of the viewer among the general public and more specialised users. The video will be designed and produced during the first trimester of 2018 by NATAGORA with help from a subcontracted company with expertise in the creation on this type of videos. Deadline: 30/06/18.

  • Why it is necessary? The video will be a key media element to reach the general public and a broader audience. Given the online nature of the EBP initiative, this video can be very helpful to promote the use of the viewer among a younger audience which is already highly habituated to such media elements.

  • Constraints and assumptions Since a significant part of the graphic material for the video can directly be taken from the own EBP viewer (e.g. recording map animations and screen-shots of the website), no major constraints are expected.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
B4.1 Produce an attractive video about the project and its potential. 01/10/17 31/12/17

Deliverables Deadline
Promotional video. 31/03/18
Milestones Deadline
Promotional video finished. 31/03/18

Expected results
1 The video is uploaded to the EBP website and youtube.
Progress indicators
1 State of the video production and EBP website.
2 Number of visits and persons using the local online portals and the EBP viewer.

Beneficiary responsible NATAGORA

Personnel involved Organization
Jean-Yves Paquet NATAGORA


Date New
2019-04-05 The new promotional video is ready for the LIVE EBP viewer launching! Read more

B5    Layman's report Communication and dissemintation

  • Description A Layman’s report that will outline in a simple and clear way the project objectives, actions and results will be prepared. This report will be a summary of all the activities of the project and will, therefore, help to communicate the most important information about the project to a wider public. The report will also include information about the ways in which the objectives were achieved, main outputs of the project as well as the constraints of the project implementation and how they were addressed. This task will be undertaken by ICO during the last semester of 2018.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is required in order to present the project, its objectives, actions and results to the general public.

  • Constraints and assumptions None expected.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
B5.1 Produce a Layman’s report that outlines in a simple and clear way the project objectives, actions and results. 01/07/18 31/12/18

Deliverables Deadline
Layman's report (document). 31/12/18
Milestones Deadline
The Layman's report of the project is printed. 31/12/18

Expected results
1 Layman's report finalised.
Progress indicators
1 State of the Layman's report and EBP website.

Beneficiary responsible ICO

Personnel involved Organization
Martí Franch ICO


Current action has no news

C1    Project management by CTFC Project management and monitoring

  • Description Project management will be carried by the Coordinating beneficiary (CTFC), which has an extensive experience managing LIFE projects (see form A7). The coordination and management structure of the project is composed by a Project manager (PM), an Administrative Team (AT), the Coordination Committee (CC) and the EBP Project Coordinator (EBPPC). The PM will be hired during the first month of the project and will be a person with good experience managing projects with several partners and with previous expertise with online bird portals initiatives. The PM will ensure the efficient coordination and accomplishment of all project actions and will be the link between the beneficiaries and the European Commission. The AT will take care of the administrative and financial duties and will give support to the other beneficiaries on this regard (see action C3). The CC will be the main decision-taking organ of the project and will be formed by the PM, the EBPPC and one member of each associated beneficiary. Finally, the EBPPC will work closely with the PM to ensure that the project is perfectly embedded in the framework of the EBP partnership and other EBCC initiatives. Reporting tasks will include the preparation of the inception and mid-term report, one progress report and the final reports with payment requests. This action will last all project duration.

  • Why it is necessary? It is required in order to ensure the correct development of the project and the corresponding reporting duties.

  • Constraints and assumptions The correct management of this project will require the strong cooperation of the whole EBP partnership, which will have to be ensured through the key role of the EBPPC. All participants have been working together for many years and know personally each other. This will greatly facilitate day-to-day management of the project.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C1.1 Manage and coordinate the LIFE project. 01/01/16 31/12/18
C1.2 Prepare and sign the LIFE agreement among the beneficiaries. 01/01/16 11/04/16
C1.3 Produce mid-term report 01/01/16 30/06/17
C1.4 Produce progress report 01/01/16 30/06/18
C1.5 Produce final report 01/01/16 28/02/19

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
The Project Manager is hired. 31/01/16

Expected results
1 All reporting done correctly and in time.
2 All project actions correctly undertaken.
Progress indicators
1 State of the different actions of the project.
2 State of the different reports.
3 Minutes of the coordinating meetings.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC


Date New
2016-03-22 The LIFE EBP project manager has been hired Read more
2016-04-02 The LIFE agreement among the beneficiaries has been signed Read more
2016-03-21 A grant to develop the EBP viewer into a near real-time solution Read more

C2    Project coordination and management meetings Project management and monitoring

  • Description It is expected to organize one kick-off meeting (Barcelona) and two regular meetings every year during the course of the project. All these meetings will be attended by the members of the Coordination Committee (CC) and will take place mostly using video conferencing facilities. However, the kick-off meeting and two other ones (in 2016 and 2017) will be face-to-face ones taking profit of the two main workshops that will be organized by the project (see actions A3 and A9; the later travel and subsistence costs are not included since these workshops will be included in the annual EBP meetings). Moreover, at least 5 other additional meetings are foreseen in order to prepare the different reports to the European Commission. All these additional meetings will take place through video conferencing and not necessarily involving all beneficiaries at each time. This action also includes the kick-off meeting with the Commission representatives. This action will last all project duration.

  • Why it is necessary? These meetings aim to facilitate the communication between the beneficiaries and solve possible deviations in the work plan or the budget. These are also necessary to agree on forthcoming developments and to monitor the degree of accomplishment of the different actions.

  • Constraints and assumptions None expected.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C2.1 Organize one kick-off meeting (Barcelona) and two regular meetings of the Coordination Committe every year during the course of the project. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones None

Expected results
1 All reporting done correctly and in time.
2 All project actions correctly undertaken.
Progress indicators
1 State of the different actions of the project.
2 State of the different reports.
3 Minutes of the coordinating meetings.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC
Gabriel Gargallo ICO
Hans Schmid SOI
Stephen Baillie BTO
Jean-Yves Paquet NATAGORA
Ruud Foppen SOVON


Date New
2016-03-30 LIFE EBP kickoff meeting took place in Barcelona Read more
2018-04-25 The 12th EBP meeting and the third LIFE EBP coordination meeting took place in Portugal Read more
2017-11-20 30 participants from 16 different countries attended the 11th EBP meeting in Barcelona Read more
2018-12-18 The 13th EBP meeting brought very good news: the LIVE version of the EBP is nearly ready Read more
2019-04-15 The 14th EBP meeting takes place at Évora, Potugal Read more

C3    Administrative and financial management Project management and monitoring

  • Description The administrative and financial management and monitoring will be carried by the Administrative Team (AT), formed by staff of the Coordinating beneficiary (CTFC) with an extensive experience managing LIFE+ projects. The AT will take care of the administrative and financial duties and will give support to the other beneficiaries (ICO, SOI, BTO, SOVON, NATAGORA). Partial financial statements will be presented and checked during the different coordination meetings (see action C2), and during the kick-off meeting, special attention will be given to clarify all financial rules to all associate partners, giving special attention to LIFE+ particularities and to subcontracting. This action will last all project duration.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is required to ensure that administrative and financial management duties are correctly undertaken all through the different phases of the project.

  • Constraints and assumptions No part of the administrative and financial management tasks will subcontracted, except for the compulsory externalised audit (see action C4).


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C3.1 Manage and monitor the administrative and financial tasks of the project. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones None

Expected results
1 100% of the budget correctly justified in the financial reports.
2 No project costs rejected due to eligibility problems.
Progress indicators
1 State of the financial reports.
2 Minutes of the coordinating meetings.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Dunia Riu CTFC
Gabriel Gargallo ICO
Corinne Schwarzentruber SOI
Penny Mitchell BTO
Jean-Philippe Denée NATAGORA
Carolin Mix SOVON


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C4    External audit Project management and monitoring

  • Description Following the LIFE Grant agreement rules, this action consists in the realization of an external audit to certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts of the project. This task will be subcontracted to an external auditor. During the project coordination meetings special attention will be given to solve any financial and administrative doubt, contacting, if needed, with the European Commission to ensure the correct justification of all actions and costs and, thus, facilitating the auditor task.

  • Why it is necessary? According to LIFE Grant agreement rules, an external audit is required given the total contribution of the European Commission in the form of reimbursement of actual costs is at least 300,000 €.

  • Constraints and assumptions None expected.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C4.1 Realization of an external audit to certificate on the financial statements and underlying accounts of the project. 01/10/18 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
The external audit is done. 31/12/18

Expected results
1 100% of the budget correctly justified in the financial reports.
2 No project costs rejected due to eligibility problems.
Progress indicators
1 Validated audit report.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC


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C5    After-LIFE plan Project management and monitoring

  • Description During the last semester of the project an “After-LIFE Plan” will be produced as a separate chapter of the final report. This plan will detail how the actions initiated in the LIFE project will continue once the project ends. The Plan will give details regarding what actions will be carried out, when, by whom, and with which financial support. The Plan will mostly focus in ensuring the viability of the EBP project once the new database infrastructure has been implemented and the data flow largely been automated. Thus, the Plan will have to develop a strategy to maintain the underlying infrastructure and data flow through the continuous involvement of the EBP partners and the mobilization of citizen-science data. Moreover, a key issue to be targeted in the Plan concerns the products that can be delivered by the EBP in the short and mid-term, and particularly those that could contribute to EU policy objectives under the EU Birds Directive (e.g. providing sound information on the spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution at the European scale, providing early-warning systems, predicting wildfowl movements due to cold spells, monitoring range changes for pests, invasive species, avian-borne diseases, etc.). The Plan will be uploaded to the website of the LIFE project and distributed to all EBP partners and funding institutions.

  • Why it is necessary? The technical improvements undertaken thanks to the LIFE project together with the increase in the viewer updating frequency as well as in coverage and data quality are expected to give a much more solid ground to the EBP initiative, but a strategy to take best profit of all these advantages and to ensure the long-term continuation of the project will certainly be required.

  • Constraints and assumptions Given that the EBP initiative already counts with a large partnership, no major constraints are expected in order to be able of developing a solid “After-LIFE Plan”.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C5.1 Produce an “After-LIFE Plan” as a separate chapter of the final report. 01/07/18 31/12/18

Deliverables Deadline
After-LIFE plan (document). 31/12/18
Milestones Deadline
The after-LIFE plan is finished. 31/12/18

Expected results
1 Plan to ensure the continuation and development of the actions started.
2 Ensure the long-term continuation of the EBP project and its contribution to EU policy objectives.
Progress indicators
1 State of the final report.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC


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C6    Quantitative indicators for monitoring the impact and progress of the project Project management and monitoring

  • Description The following quantitative parameters will be used to assess the accomplishment of the actions aimed to create the new database repository and automated data-flow (actions A2-A6): 1) Number and percentage of observations automatically submitted to the central database. 2) Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting data automatically to the central database. To increase coverage (mainly actions A1, A7-A8): 1) Number of partners taking part in the EBP project (i.e. formally joining the EBP and submitting data to the project). 2) Number of countries (and percentage) of Europe and the EU participating in the project. 3) Area and percentage of Europe and the EU covered by the project. 4) Number and percentage of records in the central database collected in regions/countries added to the EBP project after the start of the LIFE project. To improve data quality and relevance (mainly actions A2, A8-A12): 1) Number and percentage of observations submitted to the central database included in complete lists. 2) Number and percentage of online portals and partners submitting complete lists. 3) Number and percentage of online portals showing some results based exclusively on complete list data in the front-page. 4) Percentage of the area initially covered by the project that is defined as "poorly surveyed". Moreover, to assess the overall impact of the project regarding biodiversity data mobilization, public environmental awareness and the promotion of the participation of the general public in citizen science projects that have a direct benefit in environmental monitoring and policymaking, the following parameters will be used: 1) Number of persons submitting data to the EBP project (through the local online portals). 2) Number of persons submitting data regularly (at least once a month) to the EBP (through local online portals). 3) Number of visits and persons using the local online portals and the EBP viewer. 4) Number of observations submitted to the EBP project (through the local online portals). The indicators monitoring scheme will be fully established at the start of the project (first trimester). This action will be tasked to the Project Manager (CTFC), who will work in close cooperation with the EBP Project Coordinator and the Coordination Committee. The project success and progress will be regularly evaluated at Coordinating Committee meetings. A specific report consolidating the indicators information will be delivered with the Final Report. Qualitative indicators are the target of action C7.

  • Why it is necessary? This action is required in order to monitor the progress and results of the project activities as well as to assess their impact in view of the overall objectives of the LIFE programme.

  • Constraints and assumptions Action A9 will set benchmarks and use indicators to monitor the progress and improvement of the EBP online portals that will further facilitate the monitoring tasks established in the current action.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C6.1 Establish the final set of quantitative indicators used to monitor the project. 01/01/16 31/03/16
C6.2 Assess the accomplishment of the project actions through the established quantitative indicators. 01/01/16 31/12/18
C6.3 Produce an specific report consolidating the quantitative indicators information to be delivered with the Final Report. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones Deadline
The indicators monitoring scheme is fully established. 31/03/16

Expected results
1 An efficient monitoring of the project progress and impact that further ensures that all project actions are correctly undertaken.
Progress indicators
1 Minutes of the coordinating meetings.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC


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C7    Qualitative indicators Project management and monitoring

  • Description Qualitative indicators will target the assessment of the progress and accomplishment of expected results that cannot only be measured quantitatively. Namely: 1) Initial changes in the EBP viewer (taxonomic coverage extended to 100 species, maps adapted to new geographic coverage, “average maps” included). 2) EBP viewer adapted to new database infrastructure and capable of reliably display detailed and up-to-date European-wide spatiotemporal patterns of bird distribution in near-real-time (information updated every week and showing previous week data, new model maps included). 3) New data sharing standard established. 4) New database repository and data-flow implemented. 5) Documents on best practices to improve online portals data quality and to establish quality indicators and benchmarks uploaded to the EBP website. 6) Countries and institutions participating in the project. 7) Technical improvements to improve data quality implemented. 8) At least two trials to assess the potential of combining observational data with other sources of bird movement/connectivity data are conducted. 9) At least 8 campaigns are put in place to increase coverage and participation. This action will be developed by the Project Manager (CTFC) in close cooperation with the EBP Project Coordinator and the Coordination Committee. The project progress will be regularly evaluated at Coordinating Committee meetings. A specific report consolidating all the information will be delivered (see action C6).

  • Why it is necessary? Qualitative indicators will target the assessment of the progress and accomplishment of expected results that cannot only be measured quantitatively.

  • Constraints and assumptions Action A9 will set benchmarks and use indicators to monitor online portals improvements that will further facilitate the monitoring tasks established in the current action.


Gen-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Gen-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Gen-Mar 2018 Apr-Jun 2018 Jul-Sep 2018 Oct-Dec 2018

Main tasks to be developed

Task Description Start date End date
C7.1 Establish the final set of qualitative indicators used to monitor the project. 01/01/16 31/03/16
C7.2 Assess the accomplishment of the project actions through the established qualitative indicators. 01/01/16 31/12/18
C7.3 Produce an specific report consolidating the qualitative indicators information to be delivered with the Final Report. 01/01/16 31/12/18

Deliverables None
Milestones None

Expected results
1 An efficient monitoring of the project progress and impact that further ensures that all project actions are correctly undertaken.
Progress indicators
1 Minutes of the coordinating meetings.

Beneficiary responsible CTFC

Personnel involved Organization
Nicolas Titeux CTFC


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