Promotion of complete lists and participation in Spain: we keep growing!

So far, the data collected in Spain has shown to be insufficient for most of the species and large areas of the country. This can easily be seen in the EBP viewer maps, where gaps of information in some parts of Spain are still quite obvious. Gaps that a campaign undertaken with the help of LIFE EBP funds during 2017 intended to correct by means of increasing participation in areas previously poorly surveyed as well as promoting the collection of complete lists. 

The campaign, undertaken by SEO/BirdLife, was focused on the dissemination of eBird Spain, already launched in 2015, among volunteers, partners of the organization and ornithologists in general. For this purpouse, the following activities were carried out:

  • Organize talks and courses.
  • Undertake dissemination activities in several key events (Bird Fairs and Bird Days).
  • Organize meetings with the reviewers and coordinators of eBird Spain to extend the network of reviewers and the dissemination of the system to more regions.
  • Write a specific section in the SEO/BirdLife Bird Monitoring Program Report.
  • Organize meetings with the coordinators of the monitoring programs.
  • Put in place a monthly contest among participants who have submitted a minimum number of complete lists (binoculars were given as a prize).

As shown in the following graphs, the promotional campaign has been a success and the main key stats on participation and data quality (amount of complete lists) are increasing steadily.

Evolution of the number of complete lists collected in eBird Spain during 2014-2018 (2018 figure refers only to the first quarter)

Evolution of the number of record collected in eBird Spain during 2014-2017

Evolution of the number of people submitting data to eBird Spain during 2014-2018 (2018 figure refers only to the first quarter)

A contribution by: Blas Molina (SEO/BirdLife)

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